Finance & Administration

procurement (buying/paying for things)

The Department of Procurement and Business Services manages two card programs for the University. The Purchasing Card and Travel Card programs offer campus purchasers and efficient way to track and maintain purchases for University business and travel.

purchasing card (p-card)

The Purchasing Card Program is the primary method for purchasing small dollar (up to $5k) goods or services. This method eliminates, as much as possible, the need for purchase orders. The VISA card is administered by US Bank under the State of Maryland's Purchasing Card Program Contract.


Sales Tax: UMD is exempt from sales tax in Maryland and the District of Columbia. The Maryland exempt number is printed on the front of your card. Cardholders have a fiduciary responsibility to make sure tax is not paid. If a vendor charges tax, the cardholder should do their due diligence in obtaining credit. 

Online Ordering: As with any online ordering, your UMD email address should only be used for UMD purchases. Cardholders should upload the UMD Tax Exempt certificate to their UMD account where applicable and prior to the order. UMD Pcards are not to be associated with personal accounts whatsoever.

  • Amazon - Upload tax exempt to Amazon using the Amazon Tax Exemption Program (ATEP)

Processing Fees: Processing fees greater than 4% are not permitted. Ask the vendor if they are willing to reduce the processing fee, if not, another means of payment will need to be established.


Furniture: Waiver from Maryland Correctional Enterprises (MCE) for any furniture purchase made to vendors other than MCE.


Cell Phones & Other Data Devices: All cell phones & other data devices must be under a UMD contract. Personal accounts are not allowed to be paid on the UMD purchasing card. A copy of UMD's Cell Phone Policy can be found on the UMD Policies & Procedures website.


Deliveries: All purchased items must go to a University of Maryland address. If you need an item to be directly shipped to a non University of Maryland address, obtain permission from the schools Financial Director/VP then contact the Assistant Vice President, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing by email or by phone 301-405-5813 prior to purchasing the item.


Contracts/Agreements/Licenses: Whenever you hire an individual or company to perform a service, there must be a contract/agreement established prior to any work being performed. All contracts/agreements <$25,000 must be sent to for review and signature.  Only contracts for incorporated vendors with a total procurement of <$5,000 can be paid on the purchasing card.


Honorarium: A payment for a service (such as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set. Honorarium payments are processed by Accounts Payable, with a Disbursement Voucher and Honorarium Agreement, signed by the department and honorarium recipient. 

travel card (t-card)

The Travel Card provides a convenient and efficient method for purchasing travel-related services. The Travel Card eliminates the need for out-of-pocket travel expenses and associated reimbursement. The Travel Card is a Mastercard that is issued by Diners Club. Purchases made with the Travel Card must only be for the use and benefit of the university.  Cardholders must attend trainings and comply with all Travel Card procedures.


Click here for more information regarding T-card:

Click here for more information regarding travel services policies:


Travel Rules:  According to the University System Travel Policy, all travel is to be documented and out-of-state and international travel is to be approved before travel begins. The policies are intended to facilitate travel and travel arrangements; to provide full reimbursement for all necessary expenses; and to protect travelers against the risk of loss, while simultaneously maintain the necessary controls for accountability.


The University has developed a University of Maryland Travelers’ Guide that outlines the travel rules and polices that guide the CBMG's administration of travel. Please review this guide prior to travel and contact the CBMG Admin team with any questions or concerns. Questions can be sent to your business manager or


Travel Forms:

Meal Hosting: University of Maryland’s Business Meal policy indicates the instances when University funds may be used for meal hosting and catering. When meal hosting is allowed, expenditures for food must be in accordance with State policy, reasonable, and necessary. Questions regarding meal hosting can be sent to


All CBMG hosted meals (regardless of source of funds) should be documented using the: CBMG Business Meal Documentation Form


Travel/Dining Card Procedures: TBD

expense reimbursement

All CBMG items and services must be in accordance with State policy, reasonable and necessary. Document all items purchased and services used using the CBMG Expense Reimbursement Request Form.


Questions regarding the types of items and services that are acceptable can be sent to