Receive Credit for Research
BSCI 379G: Research in a Faculty Lab
Receive credit for performing research in the laboratory of one of the faculty in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
BSCI 379H: Departmental Honors Program
The CBMG Departmental Honors Program is highly research oriented. The objective of the program is to provide departmental honor students with an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the research process.
BSCI 348R: Microbiology Internship Off-Campus
Receive credit for performing research under the supervision of a Ph.D. microbiologist who is external to CBMG, usually in a lab at one of the government agencies, industrial corporations, or hospitals in the greater Washington, D.C. - Baltimore, MD area.
BSCI 279R: Undergrad Research Rotation
Receive elective credit for undergraduate research in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
BSCI 379L: CBMG Undergrad Research
As an extension of BSCI379G, students can receive credit for one of the two upper level lab requirements in the BSCI major.