Welcome to the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics!

Professor and Chair
We are enthusiastically dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in research, teaching and service. We seek to answer "Big Simple Questions" with the goal of creating new knowledge pertaining to what I like to call "the biology of things that are too small to see with the naked eye." We employ a wide variety of model systems to address fundamental and important questions in molecular and cellular biology, molecular genetics, microbial pathogenesis and computational biology. We are particularly interested in the regulation of gene expression and in the diverse molecular strategies used by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in their interactions with one another and with the environment. In line with the strong investments made by the State and the University of Maryland toward developing a strong biotechnology-based economy, we actively seek ways to synergize our research with the development of applications of economic and health importance.
We are committed to providing our students with the knowledge and skills required to compete for highly skilled, high-paying careers that will contribute to the betterment of human health and well-being in the 21st century. Our goal is to provide students with an extraordinary scientific education, one that includes rigorous training in analytical skills and critical thinking. We want to impart upon them a broad understanding of the significance of biology in their lives, and in the world around them. We want our students to discover and rejoice with wonder and awe at our amazing, living world. At the graduate level, this is achieved through our participation in the Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI). This highly interdisciplinary program provides our graduate students with a wide array of opportunities to learn their craft in one of the most fertile research environments in the world. We train undergraduates in the classroom through the Biological Sciences (BSCI) undergraduate major that emphasizes mastery of core concepts over rote memorization. Our faculty participates in a wide range of programs designed to enable undergraduate students to pursue high-level hands-on research in their laboratories. We are committed to creating a nurturing environment that promotes the personal and professional development of our faculty, our staff and our students. Nobody should stand between you and your future!