Proposals - Grant and Contract (Post-Award)

CBMG Post Award Contacts

Pamela Moffett | Teresa Thompson | Peilei Chow
1109 Microbiology Bldg

ORA Coordinator (as of 9/7/21)

Danette Boone
Room 3112 Lee Building
7809 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20742-5141
301-405-8108 |

Setting Up an Award

Acceptance of an award requires several steps:

  1. ORA receives award notification from the sponsor.
  2. ORA reviews the terms & conditions. (For some Request for Proposals (RFP's), the process may begin before an award is made).
  3. Sponsor-initiated pre-award negotiations require ORA to verify budget details and confirm all rates quoted in the proposal.
  4. ORA enters into formal negotiations with the sponsor, including reviewing and negotiating the terms and clauses such as copyrights, patents, indemnification, default and termination clauses, deliverable schedule, invoicing, data rights, etc.
  5. After all parties agree upon the award's content, the University accepts the award.
  6. Once all terms are negotiated, and mutually acceptable, signatures are obtained from the sponsor and UMD, and then an account can be created by the Sponsored Programs Accounting & Compliance (SPAC).
  7. The Principal Investigator will receive an Award Notice generated by Kuali Research containing pertinent award information and the account number established for this project.

Managing Your Award

The Principal Investigator is responsible for the overall management of his or her sponsored project. Many times, the financial responsibility is managed on the PI’s behalf by your departmental business person. Post award management includes:

  • Reconciling accounts on a repeating basis to ensure only those reasonable, allocable and allowable expenses are charged to the sponsored project
  • Tracking the effort of key personnel
  • Tracking the performance to ensure that the project is completed in a timely manner and ensuring that the specific award terms are followed

UMD Forms and Tools

  1. AANA (Advanced Account Number Authorization)
  2. Subawards Documents / Guidelines
  3. Setting up Child / Related Accounts
  4. No Cost Extension
  5. DRIF / Credit Split Change Form
  6. RPPR's checklist for T32s
  7. RPPR Instructions for NIH Grants