Proposals - Grant and Contract (Pre-Award)

CBMG Pre-Award Contact:
Priyanka Vengataraman

1109H Microbiology Bldg
4062 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742

301-405-5478 |

Current ORA Coordinator: Bridget Mullan

Room 3112 Lee Bldg
7809 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742


Current ORA Signing Official: Danette Boone

Room 3112 Lee Bldg
7809 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

301-405-8108 |

For all Non-Funded agreements (NDA's, MOUs, Equipment Loan Agreement, Teaming and Data Use Agreement), please contact your Pre-award coordinator.





Process Overview

Who is Eligible to Be a Principal Investigator (PI):

All tenured/tenure-track faculty and research scientists can be Principal Investigators. Employees or appointees affiliated with the University of Maryland (i.e. adjunct faculty, graduate assistants, and postdoctoral associates) may be PIs with the endorsement of the Dean (or Associate Dean of Research) and must have an appointment in PHR. If you are unsure about your appointment status, please check with your Business Manager.

PI's Responsibilities

  • Write the scientific and other supporting portions
  • Stipulate the budgetary needs
  • Provide supporting documents in MS word doc format

Pre-Award Office Responsibilities

  • Fill out application in Kuali Research System
  • Write detailed budget and assist with budget justification
  • Route proposal via Kuali through department and college
  • For and NIH proposals, assemble application package in Workspace and ASSIST submission portals
  • Submit completed proposal to ORA

Steps to Submitting a Grant

  1. ONE month before application deadline: Complete the Notice of Intent to Submit webform. Once received, your pre-award grant coordinator will contact you to coordinate the process in 48 business hours.
    • NOI must be submitted AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to the deadline
    • Proposal collaboration with non-CBMG and off-campus units must be submitted AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE
  2. TWO weeks before application deadline: Fill out the UMD Internal Routing form
    • UMD Internal Routing Form
    • Provide 150 word abstract
    • Work with your pre-award coordinator to define the exact budget. This cannot be changed after the routing is completed.
    • Certify your proposal in Kuali by completing the required on-line questionnaire
    • Pre-award coordinator will do the routing one week before the grant deadline
  3. If the PI does the routing without the help of the pre-award coordinator, the following steps MUST BE TAKEN:
    • Proposals MUST be routed through the Kuali Research system, which will ensure all of the appropriate electronic signatures and certifications for the PI(s), Chair and Dean for lead department are obtained.
    • Get budget and budget justification approved by Bridget Mullan (CBMG Contract Administrator at ORA)
    • Route the final proposal document in KR to ORA minimum 6 days before the deadline.
    • Min documents required: Cover Page, Abstract/Technical narrative, Budget, Budget Justification and any sponsor forms which require the signature of an authorized institutional representative.
    • Information on Paper Hard Copy Submission
  4. Within one week of application deadline:
    • Send the Pre-award grant coordinator the final version of the scientific proposal
    • Completed application will be updated and Submission Request will be sent to ORA.

GRANTS.GOV PROPOSALS FOR NIH AND NSF: Completed and final budget, budget justification and documents that require internal approval by the sponsor must be routed to ORA at a minimum 6 days before application deadline for initial review. Completed application with final version of scientific proposal MUST be submitted to ORA 48 hours before application deadline. 

OTHER PROPOSALS: Completed application with final version of scientific proposal must be submitted to ORA atleast 24 hours before application deadline.

PROPOSALS WHERE PI PROVIDES SUBMIT ACCESS TO ORA (e.g. NSF FastLane, NASA NSPIRES): Must have this access granted to the final proposal at least 24 hours before the deadline.

Limited Submission and Seed Grant Portal:  Does not require ORA Routing. Please check the portal for limited submission funding opportunities, seed grant program and faculty incentive programs.
