Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Email bisi@umd.edu or visit the Biological Sciences Graduate Program contact page.
CBMG Graduate Courses
BISI Graduate Courses
CBMG Graduate Courses
CBMG688 Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (1-4 Credits)
Presentation and discussion of fundamental problems and special subjects in the topics of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
CBMG688A: Special Topics in CBMG; Research Experiences (2 Credits)
CBMG688C: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (3 Credits)
Jointly offered with BSCI420. Credit only granted for BSCI420 or CBMG688 C.
CBMG688D: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Genetics: Cell Biology I - Structure and Function (2 Credits)
CBMG688G: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Computational Virology (2 Credits)
CBMG688I: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Genetic Analysis (2 Credits)
CBMG688J: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Genetics: Immunology and Host Defense (2 Credits)
CBMG688K: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Genetics: Molecular Virology (2 Credits)
CBMG688L: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Microbial Pathogenesis (2 Credits)
CBMG688M: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Microbial Genetics (2 Credits)
CBMG688N: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Write Science Using the Movies (Perm Req) (2 Credits)
CBMG688P: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Programming for Biology (2 Credits)
CBMG688Q: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Responding to Current and Emerging Pathogens (2 Credits)
CBMG688U: Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Rigor and Reproducibility in Research (1 Credit)
Experimental design, vouchering and validation, perils and pitfalls in statistical analysis, data management and archiving, and effective publication. Qualifies for BISI professional development requirement.
CBMG699 Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (1-3 Credits)
Emphasis is placed on research and discussion of current problems in the area of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics. Contact department for information to register for this course.
CBMG699C: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Cell Biology (3 Credits)
CBMG699D: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Molecular Genetics: Bioinformatics and Computation Biology (1 Credit)
CBMG699K: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Biological Sciences Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Perm Req) (2 Credits)
Cross-listed with BIOL608K, CHEM608K, and ENTM699K. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: BIOL608K, CBMG699K, CHEM608K, or ENTM699K.
CBMG699W: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Immunology (3 Credits)
CBMG699X: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Host Pathogen Interactions (1 Credit)
CBMG699Y: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Plant Cell Biology Journal Club (1 Credit)
CBMG699Z: Special Problems in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics; Protein Translation (1 Credit)
CBMG799 Masters Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)
Master's Thesis Research in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics. Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.
CBMG898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)
Pre-candidacy Research. Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.
CBMG899 Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-8 Credits)
Doctoral Dissertation Research. Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.
BISI Graduate Courses
BISI620 Bioinformatics and Genomics
Provides an overview of some major topics and research areas bioinformatics and genomics, and includes material from basic foundations through advanced concepts.
Credit Only Granted for: CBMG688Y or BISI620.
Formerly: CBMG688Y.
BISI632 Genetics I: Gene Expression (2 Credits)
Molecular mechanisms of gene expression, with an emphasis on gene regulation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Approximately 2/3 of the classes will be comprised of didactic lectures. The remaining portion of the course will consist of student-led experimental design sessions and a student-led proposal review panel.
Restriction: Must be in the Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI); or permission of instructor.
Credit Only Granted for: BISI632 or CBMG688F.
Formerly: CBMG688F.
BISI701 Teaching & Professional Development in Biology (1 Credit)
Provides graduate students in the biological sciences with the foundational knowledge to become better teaching assistants and gives them an introduction into the skills and tools that they need to develop as professional scientists and educators. Cross-listed with ENTM701.
Credit Only Granted for: ENTM701, BISI688Z, CBMG688Z, or BIOL701.
Formerly: BISI688Z, CBMG688Z, BIOL701.
Additional Information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students in the BISI Graduate Program.
BISI708 Advanced Topics in Biological Sciences (1-3 Credits)
Lectures, experimental courses, and other special instructions in various areas of biological sciences.
Repeatable to: 8 credits if content differs.
BISI712 Responsible Conduct of Research for Biologists (1 Credit)
An exploration of the ethical dimensions associated with the responsible conduct of scientific research focusing on providing students with practical insights into the existing norms and expectations of working scientists.
Credit Only Granted for: BISI712, BISI688B, or CBMG688B.
Formerly: BISI688B and CBMG688B.
BISI799 Master's Thesis Research (1-6 Credits)
Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.
BISI898 Pre-Candidacy Research (1-8 Credits)
Restriction: Must be in Biological Sciences (Doctoral) program. Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.
BISI899: Doctoral Dissertation Research (Perm Req) (1-8 Credits)
Contact department for information to register for this course. Contact the BISI office at bisi@umd.edu.