Contact Info
Office: 2110 Bioscience Research Bldg
Lab: 2109 Bioscience Research Bldg
Office Phone: 301-405-6158
Lab Phone: 301-405-2318
Sougata Roy
Associate Professor
- Cell Biology (BSCI420/421)
- Molecular Genetics: Bioinformatics and Computation Biology (CBMG699D)
- Genetics: Cell Biology I - Structure and Function (CBMG688D)
Graduate Program Affiliations
- BISI-Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & Genomics (CBBG)
- BISI-Physiological Systems (PSYS)
Research Interests
Cell-cell communication is the bandmaster that orchestrates an amazing transformation of a single-cell zygote into many different types of cells and organizes them into intricate patterns within the emerging body plan in a developing embryo. Our laboratory aims to understand how cells in multicellular organisms communicate with morphogenetic signals to coordinate in space and time and organize themselves to generate complex tissue architectures. [Roy Lab] [ResearchGate lab page]
- Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 2006
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Biochemistry and Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, 2006-2014
All Publications
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2236-9277