Donald Milton headshot
Contact Info
Office: School of Public Health, Room 2234V
Phone: 301-405-0389
Donald Milton
Professor, Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health
Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Medicine

Research Interests

An internationally recognized expert on the aerobiology of respiratory viruses, Dr. Milton developed the concept of using indoor CO2 to directly measure rebreathed air and airborne infection risk. He is the Principal Investigator of the UMD StopCOVID study (investigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission) and of the newly NIH-funded Evaluating Modes of Transmission (EMIT-2) study, a 5-year $15 million UMD-UMB collaboration to perform randomized controlled trials that will define the modes and mechanisms of influenza transmission.

Education & Training

  • Dr.P.H., Environmental Health, Harvard University
  • M.O.H., Harvard University
  • M.D., Johns Hopkins University
  • B.S., Chemistry, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Residency, Internal Medicine, Emory University - Grady Hospital, Atlanta, GA and Boston University Hospital
  • Residency, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health
    Board Certified, Internal Medicine and Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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