The funding supports groundbreaking work in the characterization of microbial enzymes and the development of novel wearable devices for monitoring gut health.
The funding supports groundbreaking work in the characterization of microbial enzymes and the development of novel wearable devices for monitoring gut health.
We proudly recognize undergraduate and graduate students in UMD’s biological sciences community who recently garnered major honors and awards.
We proudly recognize faculty members in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics who recently garnered major honors and awards!
Vengataraman is a research coordinator in CBMG.
UMD researchers discovered RNA mechanisms that may lead to more effective, durable and targeted treatments for conditions like high cholesterol, liver diseases and cancers.
Photos from the Spring 2024 CBMG Honors and Awards Ceremony.
Cell biologist Lanny Ling investigates how errors in the process can either harm organisms or help them survive.
The Hall Lab develops novel tools that can measure gut microbes in real time.
Antony Jose looks for answers about heritability, including how traits change without changes in DNA.