College Announces 2020 Employee Award Recipients

The University of Maryland's College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) announced its 2020 employee award recipients on May 6, 2020. Congratulations to all!

CMNS Board of Visitors Creative Educator Award
Quentin Gaudry, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

CMNS Board of Visitors Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Pradip Gatkine (M.S. ’16, Astronomy), Astronomy Ph.D. Student

CMNS Board of Visitors Junior Faculty Award
Osvaldo Gutierrez, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

CMNS Board of Visitors Distinguished Faculty Award
Bill Fagan, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

Dean’s Distinguished Research Scientist Award
Katrina MacLeod, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Biology

Dean's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Jessica Kopew, Biological Sciences Ph.D. Student

Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Lai-Xi Wang, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dean's Outstanding Lecturer Award
Justin Wyss-Gallifent, Principal Lecturer, Department of Mathematics

Dean's Outstanding Employee Awards
Kate Atchison, Assistant Director, Department of Computer Science
Amy Beaven, Director, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Michael Grünberg, Administrative Assistant II, Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office
Todd Waters, Agricultural Technician Supervisor, Department of Entomology

Thelma M. Williams Advisor of the Year Award
Elizabeth Griffith, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry