[2024 Awardees] [2024 Ceremony]
[2023 Awardees] [2023 Ceremony]
[2022 Awardees] [2022 Ceremony]
[2021 Awardees]
[2020 Awardees]
[2016-2019 Awardees]
Purpose: Provide financial assistance to undergraduate students associated with CBMG.
Eligibility: Undergraduates in BSCI specializations associated with CBMG who demonstrate both academic excellence and a financial need that would benefit from limited funds.
To Apply: Contact the CBMG Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. David Straney (straney@umd.edu)
Award: Due to limited funds, only one award per year is possible.
Purpose: Provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in the BSCI Microbiology specialization.
Eligibility: Undergraduates in the Microbiology specializations who demonstrate both academic excellence and a financial need that would benefit from limited funds.
To Apply: Contact the CBMG Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. David Straney (straney@umd.edu)
Award: Due to limited funds, only one award per year is possible.
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding graduating BSCI major with a strong record of accomplishment in plant biology. The award was established and endowed in 1963 by two emeritus professors, Drs. Charles Appleman and John Bitten Smith Norton, who were influential faculty members in the department of Botany in the early 1900s.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students from any specialization in the BSCI major, but who demonstrate accomplishments in plant biology through course work and/or research in the field of plant biology in CBMG faculty labs.
To Apply: One award is made each year, based on nominations by CBMG faculty to the CBMG Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies.
Award: There is a monetary award, the amount based on fund performance.
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding undergraduate in the CBMG Honors Program. The award was established in 1973 by the department in memory of Dr. P. Arne Hansen and his 27 years of service as professor of microbiology.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students who have completed the CBMG departmental Honors Program by presenting and defending their thesis.
To Apply: The award is made yearly and is decided by the director of the CBMG Honors Program in consultation with honors thesis review faculty members.
Award: There is a monetary award, the amount based upon fund performance.
Purpose: Recognition of outstanding BSCI majors with exemplary academic accomplishments who have made significant contributions to the CBMG department.
Eligibility: Graduating senior undergraduate students in any BSCI specialization who have demonstrated both strong academic performance and participation in the department community through service or significant research in a CBMG faculty lab.
To Apply: One award is made each year, based on nominations by CBMG faculty to the CBMG Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies.
Award: There is a monetary award, the amount based upon fund performance.
Graduate Fellowships
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding CBMG senior graduate student. Established January 31, 1977, by a gift from Mrs. Dorothy R. P. Moyer of Washington, D. C., widow of the late Dr. Andrew J. Moyer. Dr. Moyer received his Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from the University of Maryland in 1929. He was a fundamentally important figure in the development of processes that allowed production of large quantities of penicillin and his work is credited with saving many lives. Dr. Moyer was posthumously named to the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1987; he was the first government researcher ever to be inducted.
Eligibility: The student can be from any program (e.g., BISI-MOCB, BISI-CBBG, BCHM, etc.) but must be currently mentored by CBMG faculty to be considered.
To Apply: Students send a 1-page CV and a 1-page essay summarizing their contributions to science as a single pdf to the MOCB-CA director. Faculty send a recommendation letter by email to the MOCB-CA director. All application materials are due by April 1st of each year.
Award: Summer support of ~$5000.
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding CBMG graduate student working on a project related to botany in University of Maryland College Park. Established July 1, 1963, by contributions from friends, staff associates, and alumni, in memory of Dr. Carroll Cox, former Professor of Plant Pathology in the Department of Botany at UMCP.
Eligibility: The students can be from any program (e.g., BISI-MOCB, BISI-CBBG, BCHM, etc.) but must be currently mentored by CBMG faculty to be considered.
To Apply: Faculty nominate the student by sending a letter to the MOCB-CA director. All application materials are due by April 1st of each year.
Award: $500 - $1000 depending on the available funds.
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding CBMG graduate student during any stage of their study. Established in November 2019 to honor the memory of Dr. Philip J. Provost '61 to provide merit-based support for graduates conducting research with faculty in CBMG.
Eligibility: The students can be from any program (e.g., BISI-MOCB, BISI-CBBG, BCHM, etc.) but must be currently mentored by CBMG faculty to be considered.
To Apply: Students send a 1-page CV and a 1-page essay summarizing their contributions to science as a single pdf to the MOCB-CA director. Faculty send a recommendation letter by email to the MOCB-CA director. All application materials are due by April 1st of each year.
Award: Summer support of ~$5000.
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding CBMG graduate student and fellow students through volunteering and organizing in University of Maryland College Park. Established May 21, 1976, by gifts in memory of Isabel R. McDonald, long-time secretary in the Department of Microbiology at UMCP.
Eligibility: The students can be from any program (e.g., BISI-MOCB, BISI-CBBG, BCHM, etc.) but must be currently mentored by CBMG faculty to be considered.
To Apply: Faculty nominate the student by sending a letter to the MOCB-CA director. All application materials are due by April 1st of each year.
Award: $500 - $1000 depending on the available funds.
Purpose: The University of Maryland Biological Sciences Graduate Program uses these funds to award an outstanding student who originated in a developing country and whose studies are in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Established in 1993 by Dr. Barbara Zain, widow of the late Dr. Zain-Ul-Abedin.
Eligibility: The students have to be part of the MOCB-CA, but can work in any department.
To Apply: Faculty nominate the student by sending a letter to the MOCB-CA director. Students write a 1-page essays summarizing their contributions to science and send as a pdf to the MOCB-CA director. All application materials are due by April 1st of each year.
Award: ~$1000 depending on the available funds.
Purpose: This award recognizes the discoveries made by students during their time in graduate school and will be given to a graduate student in the MOCB program who has published an exciting paper.
Eligibility: The MOCB student must be the first author of the paper and all co-first authorships need to be explained by detailing the student's contribution in the advisor's letter. Winners will be chosen by the end of January the year after the one in consideration for the award by a committee (e.g., the winner for papers published in 2022 will be chosen in Jan 2023).
To Apply: The materials required for applying are simply the published paper (submissions to bioRxiv or other preprint servers are accepted) and a letter from the advisor of the student explaining their contributions to the paper sent by email to the MOCB-CA director. Only one paper can be submitted for consideration by a student each year. The deadline for each year is Jan 5th of the next year. (e.g., for the 2022 award, applications should be sent in by Jan 5th 2023).
Award: Each winner will receive an award of $1000 and be featured on the MOCB website with a highlight of their paper.